My Blogs
Great Products for Everyone
The products I use are all professional and organic. Nails may not be for everyone but the oils and butters can be used and enjoyed by everyone. Man or woman. They provide nourishment and conditioning for your whole body. So that is for all everyone's use. I enjoy creating the body butters and oils that smell amazing if I say so myself. It's been a fun new endeavor for sure. I'm actually sitting here waiting for my new products to arrive so I can get started with some new goods! I do hope anyone that has ordered from me enjoys their product. Love
So I worked with my best friend for more than 23 years. Literally side by side. Nail neighbors. We could bounce ideas and designs off each other day after day. You don't realize how much you learn and pick up from each other. I do miss working in a shop with all my friends everyday. This is a different world at home that I'm not used to yet.
Fact or Fiction
Your nails need to breathe.
Fiction. Myth. Not true. Say it ain't so. Ok I will. It ain't so. Nails Do Not need to breathe. Even with the airbubbles as seen here, No breathing.
How I Got Here
My husband and Son in picture. Being a Nail Tech for more than 33 years has been the best time of my life besides having my son. Meeting my husband and his daughter have also added to my best times too. I couldn't of asked for anything better in my life's journey. Great friends along the way are a bonus. Amazing. So what brings me here you ask? Building a website has been incredibly fun and hard at the same time. I wish I knew more in the computer world. I have always wanted to be a computer geek and kinda wish I would of taken those classes when I was curious. I'm not one to ask for any help usually and I really need it with this now. I'm a determined soul to say the least. I hope anyone else going through this website building is better at asking for help than me. You also need lots of money to ask for help it seems as well.
Plant a Tree
So I just ordered some business cards from Canva. The email responding with a tracking number informed me that they actually plant a tree with every order. I am truly impressed and happy. I know many people are trying to go green as well as I and this is awesome. I just had to get that out there. Thank you for listening.
Just Stuff
This was a name my son and I had originally picked out. Not sure it would of worked, being so close to an old toy store that was in St. Louis for years. So we came up with the name I have now.
The Fun Of Learning!
So with my recent research, I am finding out that almost all my products are really versatile. I get highlights which causes some damage to my fine hair and the butters are a great way to help with that! I'm actually sitting here typing with one of my body butter's on the ends of my hair. Also watered the flowers outside in our wonderful midwest heat which is kind of like giving myself a hot oil treatment too. Sitting in the sun would be great way to further my hair treatment but I will have to do that on another day. Soon! Also, I will try really hard to get better before and after photo's.
Taking Classes with Formula Botanica
Granit the classes have been free so far, but I'm learning a few different things. How to do a little research about products I have been using. What to research about each butter or oil, where it comes from and how it becomes usable to us formulators. I am so glad the classes lead me to do this type of research, not sure I will keep using certain products once I'm out. Not just their carbon footprints or how it harms the land. One or maybe two ingredients that I can't live without will cost more for me to purchase and use, because I will only purchase from certified sellers. I learned so much more than this, but this has stuck for now. Thank you for reading and checking my website.